New bugs in Intel chips?Official: hardware has been fixed

New bugs in Intel chips?Official: hardware has been fixed

tenco 2019-05-16

According to the CNET reports, Intel and other loopholes, the researchers found that Intel's chips could let hackers steal from the mpu (microprocessor) of sensitive user information.

The researchers said the vulnerability could be vulnerable to four new attacks, each potentially extracting information about encrypted keys or passwords.As Wired pointed out, the vulnerability could affect millions of PCS.

The survey was released by Intel in conjunction with researchers from European universities, research institutes and security software companies.

Regarding the MDS vulnerability, Intel makes the following official statement:

"With regard to microarchitecture data sampling (MDS) security, many of our recent products have been addressed at the hardware level, including many of the 8th and 9th generation Intel core processors and the 2nd generation Intel xeon expandable processor family.For other affected products, users can obtain security defenses through microcode updates combined with updates to the corresponding operating systems and hypervisor released today.We also provide more information on our website and continue to encourage you to keep your systems up to date as this is one of the best ways to stay safe.We would like to thank the researchers who have worked with us and our industry partners who have contributed to this collaborative disclosure.

So for the average person, the key to the MDS bug is how big a difference does it make?Don't worry, the security breach was made public by Intel's joint security team, who apparently took it to heart because they had physically fixed the MDS security breach on 8 -, 9 -, and 2 xeon core and xeon xeon extendable processors.

In addition, the performance impact of this fix on processors is extremely limited, especially on consumer processors for personal use, and the performance impact on data center processors is minimal, unless HT hyper-threading is disabled.