Samsung AR glasses patent issued

Samsung AR glasses patent issued

tenco 2019-07-16

Turning virtual reality into reality has been the goal of many tech companies in recent years, and samsung appears to be on track to do the same.

Recently, samsung unveiled a new patent about samsung AR glasses, from the patent diagram you can see, this kind of glasses does not need additional auxiliary devices for performance, appearance design is looking like an ordinary sunglasses, this AR glasses in the middle of the screen mirror carried a translucent glass area, through the waveguide way to convey the depth of the 3 d diffraction projection, glasses when folded can shut off the power.

In fact, as early as two years ago, samsung applied for the patent of holographic AR glasses. Compared with previous patent drawings, the patent drawings of samsung AR glasses released this time can clearly see a complete outline of the appearance of glasses.Still, it's unclear how long it will be before the product is officially available.